
Speak out to this misinformation site!

Hello again everyone. This article is not related to grimoires, but I really want to spread the word about it. Here is a copy of the article I posted to the Witch's Voice . . .

Today I came across a horrible website that is spreading hate about not only witchcraft and Wicca, but also Judaism and many other peaceful religions! While I think that the site owner may have good intentions (to "save" so-called "evil-doers") , he/she doesn't have a clue what he/she's talking about . . . We as witches, Wiccans, Pagans, etc, have enough trouble with superstitions and hate as it is. Unfortunately, when I searched for "about witchcraft" on Google, this website was the fourth link on the results page. How will we ever be able to face the world without persecution if this and other websites are blaring out our supposed evil ways? Let's speak out to the site owner; tell him or her who we really are. We are not evil criminals out to cause harm in the world. You know as much as I do that we just want to be able to live happy, healthy and peaceful lives. This is one way that we can make a difference. Together we are strong!
Here is the link to the page in question:

Much love and light to all,



Anonymous said...

That is disgusting. They even had a page on the evils of D&D.... I pity these people. To be so ignorant and live in fear of every little thing. It must be an awful existence.

Anonymous said...

i agree, i might be a Christian, but i would never attack such peaceful religions such as wiccans!!in fact, most of my freinds are wiccans :) and truth be told. i think the Christian religion should include some wiccan beleifs! [in fact, im going to begin making my own grimoire soon :P] and yes, alot of people in the Christian religion live in fear of alot of things...its not good :| and i feel sorry for them :\